Latest Visitation Arrangement

  1. Anyone with fever (forehead temperature of 37.5°C or higher) or respiratory tract infection symptoms (such as cough, sore throat, etc.) should refrain from visiting the Centre.
  2. Visiting hours are from 8am to 8pm daily.
  3. A maximum of 3 visitors is allowed at one time. If patient is under “Care Plan” stage, the number of visitors can be relaxed as long as it doesn’t disrupt the ward’s operation.
  4. Children under 12 are not suggested to visit.
  5. Please bring your own surgical mask and wear it before entering ward floor and rehabilitation room.
  6. Upon arrival at the Centre, please measure your body temperature, sanitize your hands, and fill in visitor registration book at the security desk at G/F. You can also disinfect your clothes and belongings with the disinfection station.
  7. Visitors are only allowed to visit at bedside of the patient or escort the patient to the rehabilitation room (not allowed to stay inside). If you wish to escort the patient to the rooftop garden (in WWB) or terrace garden (outside SASB), please get prior permission from ward staff. Please refrain from visiting other patients to avoid affecting their rest.
  8. Visitors are not suggested to have meal in the Centre. If necessary, please have your meal individually at bedside (avoid facing the patient), balcony, roof garden, or the ward’s dining area. Please put your mask back on immediately after meal. If the resident is under isolation, visitors are only allowed to have meal at bedside.
  9. If visitors wish to stay overnight for accompanying and taking care of the patient, please apply to the belonging ward. The Centre will charge for overnight staying fee.
  10. Please visit the same security desk for registering the leaving time before leaving.
  11. In the event of any violation of the Centre’s visiting regulations, the Centre reserves the right to terminate the visit and request the visitor to leave.