Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Service
- Integrated treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
- To provide soothing treatments with Chinese medicine and acupuncture to relieve discomfort and pain
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Service
Dietition Service
Podiatry Service
Aroma Therapy
Music Therapy
Harp Therapy
HARP therapy is a kind of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Therapeutic harp service is non-prescriptive; the process can be active or passive. It focuses on responses at the moment. The harp has historically been used in traditional healing, one of the most distinctive musical instruments, and a symbol of comfort, peace and relief. In 2013, a research team conducted a study on the effects of harp music on intensive care patients, and it concluded that, in the intensive care unit (ICU), spontaneous live harp music was significantly effective in reducing patient perception of pain by 27%. (Chiasson, Linda Baldwin, McLaughlin, Cook & Sethi, 2013)
Expressive Art Therapy
Expressive art therapy service is a professional service through art creation and psychotherapy, using cross-modal art disciplines including visual art, music, dance, drama, story, writing, etc., to express and discover in the process of creation. The resident can be self-discovery with the therapeutic effects.
Horticultural Therapy