Sandwich Class Beds Programme

Sandwich Class Beds (SCB) Programme is specially designed for those poor working group.  They are neither CSSA recipient nor being granted Medical Waiver in public hospital, however still in need of financial aid to enjoy quality End of Life care.  This type of applicant we named them as Sandwich Class who would be able to co-pay a limited amount of service fee with the financial support from the generous donors.

Eligibility Requirements

Patients fulfilling the following condition could apply this programme :

  • Consensus on a palliative / comfort care approach without further invasive treatment
  • Diagnosis with stage IV cancer and/ or other end stage irreversible disease with estimated life expectancy not more than 6 month (The medical team of SASHCC will re-assess patient’s condition within 3 months ; if it is found that the condition of the patient is stabilized AND the patient no longer meets initial referring criteria, patient would be discharged back to the referring unit or to other long term care units)
  • Meeting the requirement of Household Financial Affordability Limit : A means-tested mechanism called Household Financial Affordability Limit is set up for screening the financial eligibility of the patient and patients’ family

The Household Financial Affordability Limit is the sum of the following two parts. It is used to reflect and assess the applicant’s affordability. It is not completely equivalent to the financial resources available to the applicant. For details, please contact the social worker:

  • Household Assets Limit (including cash, savings deposits, investments and non-owner-occupied properties, etc.)
    • No. of household:
      • 3 family members or below ( Household assets up to limit HK$600,000)
      • 4 family members or below (Household assets up to limit HK$900,000)
  • It is published by the government about the ceiling of the household income in the past six months that it cannot exceed the median of 1.75 times x 6 months.

Application Guidelines

  1. The applicant should submit the application form along with a doctor’s referral letter to our centre after completing the financial assessment with a medical social worker, or;
  2. The applicant should submit a doctor’s referral letter along with relevant medical records to our centre. Our social worker will then conduct a financial assessment for the applicant.

Enquiry :

  • Phone: (852) 2703 3000
  • Fax: (852) 2785 0721